Gloucestershire and Herefordshire fraternal visit to Loyal Monmouth Lodge

On remembrance day, 11th of November. There was a fraternal visit from the Mark Provincial Team of Gloucestershire and Herefordshire to the Loyal Monmouth Lodge of Mark Master Masons 1940, at Monk Street , Monmouth. The team was led by V.W.Bro Roger Blake, DPGM. They were treated to an exemplary advancement ceremony with W.Bro Terry Garrett at the helm. Bro Jim Blanch was advanced in fine style and at the end of the ceremony was greeted into Monmouthshire Mark Masonry by R.W.Bro Derek Thomas. The Brethren retired to the Royal Oak Inn to partake of an excellent Festive Board. V.W.Bro Roger Congratulated everyone on a most entertaining evening and welcomed Bro Jim into the mark fraternity on behalf of the Gloucestershire and Herefordshire brethren.

Gloucestershire & Herefordshire fraternal visit to Loyal Monmouth Lodge


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